Ashley Rose Sacks

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The Power of a Tongue Scraper

Scraping your tongue? What?!

Ok, so if you’re completely clueless to what I’m referring to, PLEASE, do yourself a major service and keep reading.

Tongue scraping is something I’ve been familiar with for years and it blows my mind that some people have either never heard of it or don’t do it daily.

Let me explain.

Every single morning, after I brush my teeth, I scrape my tongue with a stainless steel tongue scraper. This gets rid of ALL of the bacteria that has accumulated in my mouth throughout the night (hence the term: morning breath). I do this about 2-3 times a day after each meal to ensure I am getting rid of any odors since I don’t like letting people smell what I last ate. I love to talk to others, so keeping my mouth clean and smelling fresh is key.

A tongue scraper is a tool that is rounded so it makes it easy to use.

Here are the many benefits of a tongue scraper:

  1. Removal of bacteria- I had mentioned this before, but I just wanted to reiterate it so it sticks. Scraping the tongue is really the ONLY way to get rid of all that nasty bacteria that sits in your mouth. Studies have said that scraping your tongue twice a day can reduce bad breath and dental decay { via }.

  2. Improvement on appearance of the tongue- I don’t know about you, but a nasty tongue is just so gross to see when you’re conversing with someone. Having a nice looking tongue shows that you take care of yourself. Without the act of tongue scraping, there’s a nasty film of white coating that builds up overtime. Yuck! { via }

  3. Better sense of taste- Since you’re removing all of the excess bacteria, you are allowing your taste buds to come alive since your tongue does the tasting. By tongue scraping twice a day, you will be more able to sense flavors, spices, and be able to enjoy your food more. Who doesn’t want that? { via }

  4. Say GOODBYE to bad breath- Since you’re getting rid of all the germs on your tongue, you are getting rid of something we all want to stay away from: bad breath. There’s nothing worse than talking to someone and having to walk away because it smells bad. I know we’ve all been there and it’s super awkward. Scraping your tongue is WAY more effective than brushing your teeth in terms of getting rid of bad breath, studies and evidence shows. But wait, please still brush your teeth! LOL. I’m just saying as far as getting rid of bad breath, scraping your tongue wins, studies have said. { via }

  5. Better overall health- By getting rid of these nasty germs, you are improving your overall health because you are eliminating any unwanted bacteria from your body. Your body has a wonderful way of detoxing on a regular basis. The act of scraping your tongue is really mandatory to have better health and a better life. { via }

So, how do you tongue scrape?

Here’s a photo that goes into detail a bit more on the process, that I think will help a lot:

{ via }

SO, there you have it!

Do yourself a HUGE favor, please, and invest in a stainless steel tongue scraper. Some like a copper one, but I think that stainless steel is more efficient because it lasts a long time; also, it’s better for the environment than plastic.

Here’s the one that I use. Really any stainless steel one should be fine. These make for a perfect gift to your loved ones! Educate them. Spread the word! They WILL thank you. :)

Are you familiar with tongue scraping? What are your thoughts?

Happy tongue scraping! ;)

Love and light,

Ashley x

See this Amazon product in the original post