Stay In Your Own Lane

Stay In Your Own Lane

I wanted to hop on here and talk about something that’s been on my mind a lot lately: staying in your own lane. What do I mean by that? Well, to put it in simple terms, I mean to mind your own business and do what works for you for YOU and no one else, unapologetically. Still not sure what I mean? Take a look at your life and realize that it’s YOUR story and that’s it. It’s yours. It will ALWAYS be yours.

I felt the need to do a post about this because I’ve started to realize that most people don’t really consider other people’s opinions or feelings when making judgments on one another. Things are said that can come across as something else because everyone has their own way of looking at things, which is fine, but I wanted to bring attention to the fact that it’s about understanding that maybe you won’t understand, if that makes sense.

There are ways of discussing things and ways of agreeing or disagreeing with others, and that’s okay, but in order to really be fulfilled, you must do what works for you whether others understand or not! It’s really that simple.

I’ve noticed how I used to be so insecure about saying no to others because I just wanted everyone to ‘like’ me ( lol ) and wanting to know everything that was going on around me at all times, and I’ve realized that it’s really just not worth the headache. It’s SO much better for you in the long run to just mind your own business and just not care so much about what others think.

By staying in your own lane, you allow yourself to feel the way you need to feel and do what YOU need to do for YOU. Life is precious and it’s not always about pleasing others. Yes, I get that it’s nice to help others and give back, but you’ve got to remember that you are the one living YOUR life. How does that make you feel? Do you want to look back and think— man I really wish I put more time into “so and so” ? I don’t think so! Make yourself a priority every single day!

I know this may sound like a rant or a tangent, and maybe it is, but my birthday is coming up and I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on those in my life that bring me value and those that are just there to tear me down. Listen, I want you to know that it’s okay not understand everything or be understood at all times. It’s just about being open to listening: listening to your gut.

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve made plans and then canceled, or said I would do something and then not follow through, but let me tell you something— I did it for me. I’m not saying I like canceling or not keeping my word- I’M WORKING ON IT :P. lol. What I am saying is that people that REALLY care about you will understand. If they don’t, then f*ck it! Let it go! It’s okay! You’ll be okay! I promise. There comes a point where you must ask yourself what’s important to you and what’s not. What are your priorities for YOU to be your best self TODAY? Maybe now is that time. I will work on just saying no instead of canceling plans with people and keeping my word, but I will always follow my gut and stay in my own lane even if others don’t understand.

In life, I realized that it’s about each moment that brings you joy and peace. If you have people in your life that try to take that away from you, ask yourself why and what they’re doing in your life in the first place. Ask yourself what you are looking for in your friendships and relationships. Maybe they are teaching you something or maybe they are showing you their true colors that you never noticed before. Maybe you’ve outgrown those around you and that’s okay, too! Everyone grows in their own time and space. Either way, it’s all good. You’ll figure it out. I believe in you.

No one said it would be easy, but it will ALWAYS be worth it. Why? Because YOU are worth it. You are worth all of it! You are worth everything and beyond because you were put on this planet for a special reason: to live out your journey. Take that with you and allow yourself to FLOURISH. Why not? You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Say no if you feel the need to, if you change your mind and don’t feel like going to that thing you said you were going to go to because you have a gut feeling that it won’t be what you had hoped, then so be it! But just listen to your gut and do what makes you happy. Follow your heart, mind your own business, and stay in your own lane. You’ll be happy you did. Ok. Rant done. :)

ONE MORE THING— remember: if no one has told you yet today- you are STRONG, you are BEAUTIFUL, you are POWERFUL, you are AMAZING, and you are CAPABLE. I love you! You’ve got this! You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to! It’s about mind over matter. Do you feel it? Because I certainly do! Also, keep in mind that it works both ways. The more understanding you are towards others, the more that will reciprocate back to you.

What will YOU do today that will bring you just ONE step closer to your goal? I’d love to know!

Let me know in the comments.

Much love, as always.


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