Money Saving Tips
Saving money is something that I consistently work on executing. It’s important to be aware of the fact that we need money to survive, so being smart about your money is something that needs to be discussed.
Some tips that have helped me are:
Thrift Shopping - I always loved to donate my clothes to those in need. My girlfriends and I had a “clothing swap” night a while back, and it was the best idea ever! We got all together and donated each other our clothes. I also really am into Poshmark, Plato’s closet, etc. I find that when something is out of use for someone, why not give it to someone else until it’s had its time?
I Stopped Getting My Nails Done - Yes, ladies. It’s true. I really have put my foot down about not getting them done anymore. Why? Because it’s expensive and I find it to be a waste of money when I can do them myself. I used to spend at least $120 a month on my nails (and that’s just my hands, pedicure not included). I recently bought a gel nail kit on Amazon and it’s been the best investment for me. I always liked doing my own nails as a kid, and I do get better the more I practice. It’s something to consider!
Going out for coffee/ food - I used to go out for pretty much everything - coffee, lunch, dinner… Everyday. It got to the point where I realized how much more I could be saving if I just ate home, more often. Since I started eating at home more often, I have saved hundreds per month. I stopped getting coffee, which was a big money saving tip. Just one drink for me was about $5, so just for one week that’s $35 saved. It’s the little things that really add up. So, do what I started to do, go to Trader Joe’s once a week and just stock up. I’m telling you, you’ll thank me later. I do make an exception about a couple times per month to go out with friends, though, and when I do, it’s SO worth it. When you limit how much you go out and spend money, the times that you do are that much more enjoyable (seriously).
Going out, period - OK, so I know what you’re thinking. I don’t mean stop going out, I mean going out and spending money. There are plenty of things to do without spending a dime- going to the beach/ hiking (if it’s available to you), walking/running outside, practicing yoga with a friend, staying home and watching a great documentary/ reading a great book, researching, meditating, resting… These are all things that do not cost any additional money (well, maybe the book/ movie/ documentary lol, but not anything crazy). It’s nice to stay in and just unwind. Take a bath, light a candle, cook a delicious meal, and you’ve got yourself set. It’s the little things that can make life more beautiful.
I went back to my natural color - SO, I used to dye my hair blonde, and yes, it was LOTS of fun. BUT- not so much fun for my wallet— especially since I’m not a natural blonde. Apparently I’m a natural “dark blonde”, but I was going bleach blonde, so yeah, you get the point. It was SUPER expensive, timely, and just way out of my budget. I would be at the salon for up to 8 hours sometimes to get to that perfect shade of blonde. SO, yeah, I decided to go back to my natural color brown. I like to spruce it up with some organic, all natural hair color in a different shade of brown if I’m feeling spicy, lol. But otherwise it stays the way it was meant to! I find I save SO much money now, my hair is healthier, and I feel more way more natural.
Write out a monthly budget and GET REAL- Look, I get it. Writing down a budget sounds time consuming, annoying, and pointless. But, it’s really not! It’s super effective in helping you to keep track of your spending so you can eliminate what you don’t really need. That shoe box subscription that you signed up for to get a free pair of shoes and only ordered from one time? Cancel it! Paying for a work out app that you barely go on? Delete! You’d be surprised how much everything adds up! In your budget, add up a part that says “MISC” because when it’s all added in there, it’s easier to know that in case you do need to spend a little extra that you’re prepared for that. SO, yeah, get real with how much you’re spending so you can get real on how much you can be SAVING! :)
Washing my own car - I know, it’s nice to get your car professionally washed because you feel fancy or whateva. lol. Listen, I have never gotten my car that I have now, and it’s been almost 4 years, professionally washed and I’ll tell you why— I’d rather wash it myself and save the money! There is a cute little car wash near my house that has the vacuums and a drive through wash for the outside of your car and it’s probably about $10 or so. I get my own wipes (organic, nontoxic of course lol) and wash the inside of my car myself! Instead of spending up to $20-$50, I save and wash it on my own. I find this works for me.
I Shop Online - That’s right! I said it. BUT, I’m careful about it. I’ll explain. Online shopping can be dangerous for some because it’s known to make you spend money since it’s so convenient. BUT, hear me out! It’s about how much you care in the first place! Be cautious for yourself because you work hard for your money, so spend it wisely. I like to shop online for my makeup, essential oils, oils in general, perfume, nail polish, clothes, house hold items, spices because more often than not, they are sold in bulk or for a more inexpensive amount than if you were to see that same exact product in the store. To be honest, I kind of want to chill out with my online shopping just because of all the paper being used (that’s for another blog post lol). But anyways, if you shop wisely then this approach can definitely help you save time and money!
Everyday is a money making day - I say this because it’s true! Every day is a new chance to make more of a profit off something! Whether you’re starting a new business, taking photos for your portfolio, going to a workshop, writing a book, reading a book based on your goals, watching a documentary, networking, there are literally opportunities all around you. I’m all about side hustles and keeping the ball rolling. This is why investing can be great, as well, because your money can grow will you’re not using it. Real estate is great, too, because you can create passive income (more on that in another post, lol). Selling your clothes on Poshmark, selling your art on Etsy, selling on Amazon/ Ebay, investing in another business, bar tending/ serving jobs are great for making money, too, babysitting, cleaning/ organizing someones home, tutoring; I mean, there are really so many things you can do to make money, so if you’re looking to make every day money making day then I suggest you get on it! :-P
Create a Savings account - Savings accounts are great because they hold you accountable. They are there so you can put money away and just let it sit there until you need it or you can grow it into something more (a business, real estate, stock investment, etc.). I do recommend accounts where you get a return, even if it’s small, because it does make a difference one way or the other. Also, always have cash on you. I find it crazy that some people never carry cash with them or have any cash. It just baffles me. What if you go to a place where it’s cash only or your credit cards didn’t work? I mean, I know credit cards are everywhere, but let’s keep it simple and real, please. lol
OK, there you have it! I hope this list inspires you to start saving money today for a better tomorrow! Every step you take counts, remember that!
SO, however much you are looking to save or if you’re trying to switch your lifestyle to a more minimal one, use this list to your benefit to refer back to whenever! I want to applaud you and say good job for looking for ways to save because it all starts with you! Make today a great one! Much love to you all! :)
Have any money saving tips that you’d like to share?
Comment below! :)