Protect Your Health

Protect Your Health

With everything going on right now with the corona virus, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about some preventative measures that you can take today to make sure you are protecting your health.

  1. Wash your hands- I know this is an obvious one, but it’s really that simple! Keep your hands clean at ALL times. Whether there is a virus or not, it’s about constantly protecting yourself from unwanted germs. Keeping your hands clean is number one because they touch everything! I work in a restaurant, as well, and I cannot tell you how many times I wash my hands. It’s probably about every 5 seconds, but guess what? It’s worth it because I’m protecting my immune system. And, no, hand sanitizer is NOT the same. Yes, I do keep one in my car for when I go to get gas, but that’s it. If there is a sink nearby with soap, I go for that over hand sanitizer any day. Be practical and do what makes sense. Does putting alcohol on your hands really feel more sanitary then using the old soap and water technique? I mean, think about it! Let’s go back to basics, please.

  2. Eat your fruits and veggies- This one may be obvious, too, but great health really does start from within. When you are consuming nutritious fruits and vegetables, you are preventing illness. It doesn’t take much. I also recommend consuming FRESH over FROZEN fruits and vegetables. You can throw them into a smoothie, saute them, or eat them raw. Even if you’re not a fan of fruits and vegetables, there are so many supplements that you can take to make sure you are getting those nutrients. My personal favorite brand is Garden of Life. They have great vitamins, protein powders, etc., and they’re all organic. We love this. Get on board and treat your body right from the inside out!

  3. Take necessary supplements- This tip goes with my previous one, but I wanted to emphasize how important it is to make sure your body is getting ALL the right nutrients. Being a vegan for 5 years, I make sure to take a vitamin B12 supplement, a vegan collagen supplement, and a multi vitamin. Again, Garden of Life is amazing because they have a TON of great vitamins for all your needs. I highly recommend taking vitamins are part of your routine. I do not take vitamins every single day, because I don’t like to do anything every single day since your body can become immune (this happened to me before, I used to take like 12 supplements a day and when I would skip a day I would feel ill), so I take them about 2-3 times a week. I find that this works for me. Do what works for you.

  4. Drink plenty of water- I cannot emphasize enough how water is SO important in not only preventing viruses but in maintaining optimal health. Our bodies are about 75% water, so it’s no wonder that we need to keep ourselves hydrated. Have a headache? Drink some water. Feeling down? Drink some water. Feeling anxious? Drink some water. Water can really solve a lot of issues that we feel on a daily basis. Sometimes it’s just about having a glass of water and taking a deep breath. Also, keep in mind that it’s better to drink alkaline water to keep your body extra healthy and eliminate toxins. Please, stay away from plastic bottled water. Please. Look into installing an alkaline water system in your home and use refillable bottles to not only save the planet, but to save you a lot of money in the long run. Aim for at least 1 liter a day.

  5. Go outside- Being outdoors is what nature intended. As humans, we really need to be outside more because that’s how we were brought up. We were hunters and gatherers, and being outside is where we all thrive in reality. Getting some sunlight and going outside is an automatic immune booster. Vitamin D is essential for our bodies to be at their optimal level, and the sun provides plenty of that! So, wherever you live, take a walk outside, and I can promise you that you will instantly feel better.

  6. Keep your body moving- Keep your body strong and your immune system going by keeping your body moving! Exercise in any way you’d like. For me, I’ve been walking a lot lately and I find it to be my favorite form of cardio. I’ve always been a cardio junkie, but recently I hurt my ankle running, so I find that walking is a lot more relaxing on my joints. Take a yoga class, a boot camp class, Pilates, go swimming, whatever you like to do, but do it consistently. Keep your body moving on a daily basis and you will feel better about yourself internally and externally. I would suggest 3 days a week of exercise at a minimum.

  7. Be respectful of others- When I say this, I mean when YOU are sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth with your elbow. Part of protecting your immune system is also protecting others. Keep this in mind and your peers will thank you. It’s about being polite and respectful and not spreading anything onto others.

  8. Practice breath work- Your breath really is everything. From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, your body breaths on its own, BUT we can forget to breath sometimes when we are under stress or difficult situations. I posted about meditation before and its benefits, but I wanted to talk about it again. When it comes to your immune system and your health, your breath has a lot to do with it. Remembering to breath in times of stress and to take your time is really important in staying healthy. Next time you’re feeling stressed, take a minute to do about 5 deep breaths and you can see from there how much better you’ll feel. It doesn’t take much, but just be mindful and you will definitely notice a difference.

  9. Be positive- In times of stress and uncertainty, we need to stay positive. It’s easy to fall into the trap and get scared when things are going on, but this is the ultimate test. It’s testing how much you care about your life and your environment. We cannot control what goes on around us, but we can control how we react. Take a step back and remember what your intentions are. Want to stay healthy? Then be healthy. Live the life of a healthy person. Want to be happy? Then be happy. Live the life of a happy person. Live the life you intend to have and it will be exactly that.

  10. Stay informed but then let it go- It’s important to stay up to date with the world, of course, but there comes a point where you need to focus on just you. Listen to what’s going on, but then let it go. Realize that there are things you cannot control and focus on the things that you CAN control. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it for your own sanity.

Have more tips on protecting your health? Share them below in the comments! :)

Stay healthy babes!

Love you,


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