Ashley Rose Sacks

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Meditate to be Great

Meditating is something that everyone should do. I'll explain why.

Everyday we wake up, we start our days with whatever we feel we need to. Most people (myself included, but I'm working on it lol) check their phones, their e-mails, instagram, etc.

This is NOT a great way to start your day. This makes you automatically reactive to the things around you rather than waking up with ease.

I started working out first thing in the morning, and that's been a major transformation. BUT, meditating is also a necessity in our everyday lives.

The way our lives work is we are constantly going, whether we're going to work, going to an appointment, going to do an activity, or whatever it is. With all this energy of go-go-go, there has to be time to just CHILL.

This is where meditation plays a HUGE role.

What is meditation, you ask? It's basically taking time to sit down whether it's on the floor or in a chair, with your back upright, shoulders relaxed, hands relaxed on your lap, you close your eyes, and you focus on your breathe. When your mind starts to wander, you put your focus back onto your breathe and you practice this for as long as you can.

For me, I prefer guided meditations, so I like to look on YouTube to find some that look appealing to me. Recently I found one that I really like, it's called the Positive Mindset Magazine. I really like how her meditations are mostly about 10 minutes long, but she has some that are a bit longer. Her meditations have different focuses, so there are many options to choose from in what you're intending to gain from your meditation practice for that moment.

My goal used to be to meditate for about 5 to 10 minutes a day, but since I was slacking recently, I decided to crank it up a notch and aim for 15-20 minutes a day. It's been said that for people who don't feel like meditating or for people that are resistant to it are the ones that need it even more. SO, I'm up for the challenge. :-P

Today, I did one for about 15 minutes and I actually felt super relaxed through out that I felt like I was nodding out about to fall asleep (LOL). I think it's a combination of being tired (I've been waking up earlier than normal to exercise and going bed a bit too late, but that will change lol) and realizing how much my body needed that time to just CHILL OUT. I love to sit out in my garden with my headphones on with the breeze, since I feel that this connects me even more to nature, as well, which can be very grounding.

So, the point of this post is to educate you on the importance to quiet your mind and be present. Meditation has helped me in relieving stress, anxiety, calming my thoughts, and helps me to come up with creative ideas. If you've never tried meditation and you're curious about it, I invite you to start today!

There are so many benefits on meditating from a better perspective on life, less stress, better overall health, and feeling happier. This also helps with your relationships, your work-life balance, and many other things. Meditation allows you to create space for things that you want in life so that you let go of things that no longer serve you, as well.

Have you ever meditated before? What are your thoughts on it?

Let me know in the comments below! :)

Much love!

