Ashley Rose Sacks

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What is Success?

Success means different things to many people.

To some, success means having a roof over their head and food on the table.

To others, it may mean having the nicest car and the biggest house on the block.

I resonate with those who find success in the "little things". To me, success is waking up in the morning and being able to get out of bed. Success is having the mobility to do things on my own without the help of others. Success is having a mind of my own, arms and legs that function to their best ability, eyes to see clearly, a body that I call beautiful because it's MINE, and yes a roof over my head with food on the table.

I feel success ALL around me while I am alive and well. Success is about having great people in your life that you can trust and that you can rely on when sh*t hits the fan (excuse my language) and that you can laugh with and be yourself, un-apologetically!

Success is about feeling gratitude and understanding that there is ALWAYS room to better yourself because we, as humans, are capable of just about anything.

I created this blog to talk about topics that matter to me, and being successful is something that is constantly on my mind. I am always looking to better myself, to learn more, and to be the best version of me. This goes into reading as much as I can, listening to as many podcasts as I can, being around people that I admire, networking, etc.

There is so much to learn and so much room to grow, so it's really a success to understand this concept. I feel successful when I am healthy, happy, and have a stable job so I can save as MUCH as I can. I want to travel the world, so that can be an expense in itself.

When I am working out, I feel successful because I am getting stronger. When I am cleaning up my apartment, I feel successful because I am able to work so I can afford to live in a beautiful home with air conditioning. Air conditioning is HUGE, especially living in South Florida. There was a time a couple summers ago when it was broken and it was not the best times. SO- having a working A/C= success! :)

I started my day today watching a video on YouTube about manifesting visualizations and how much of an impact they have on our lives day to day. It's true when they say whatever you surround yourself with, you become. That means what you watch on TV, the music you listen to, the books you read, the people you surround yourself with, they all define you in some way, SO be sure to choose wisely! I like to watch documentaries, comedies, and things on TV/ Youtube that TEACH me things that I am curious about or make me laugh because otherwise, what's the point?!

Today, I encourage you to think twice before you hang out with that person, watch that movie or TV show, read that book, or whatever it is that you feel like doing, make sure it's something that RESONATES with you and what you believe in! Trust your gut, girl!

Success, to me, is simple and it's in everyday pleasures.

What does success mean to you?

Let me know in the comments below!

I would love to hear from you! :)

MUCH love!
